Safety Half WallIt seems like children and even cats can find a way to find anything dangerous. When we bought our house, never did I think the horizontal railing on the upstairs banister could be used as steps to climb!

At first, I really liked the architectural look of the railing, but for my kids, it like a ladder just begging them to climb on it, and fall onto the first floor, and it’s right between our children’s bedrooms!

No matter how many times we told them not to climb on the banister, it remained a serious danger. The temptation was just too much!

We had to find a long term solution to child proof the banister that we could live with for several years to come.

While we found several baby proofing options on the market, finding a product that effectively worked for our home’s configuration was a big challenge.

I started asking my friends if they had the same problem, I couldn’t have the only kids that climb! That’s when a good friend told by about Child Senior Safety.

He said their custom plexiglass safety walls gave him and his wife peace of mind when their children were upstairs. They prevented their son from falling down to the first floor many times.

He said the whole process was easy, he just sent in the measurements and pictures to Child Senior Safety. And they sent a pre-fab banister safety wall system, all the hardware was included. The instruction were very easy to follow, if I had any trouble, they provided a phone number for a consultation.

I went to his house to take a look at the banister safety wall system and was really expecting an eyesore, but I was definitely wrong. They were very aesthetically pleasing and matched the decor of his home.

Then the big questions, how much did it cost? He told me the product was very cost effective. But most importantly, he and his wife didn’t have to worry about their children falling over the wall.

They liked it so much that they also got one for their upstairs patio. It used to be off limits for the kids, but now it is a great outdoor area they all can use.

That’s when I contact Child Senior Safety.