If your cat enjoys jumping up on your balcony or stair railing, it is essential you take the necessary precautions to prevent unfortunate accidents, the materials need to be high quality, durable, and extremely sturdy.
The design for your railing safety plays a huge role. The material needs to be custom built to suit your specific needs.
Why do cats jump on banisters and railings?
Cats have a natural instinct to jump and climb, no matter how many toys they may have. Cats understand how heights work, but they don’t fear them. They often completely underestimate the danger involved.
What happens when your cat falls or slips off the banister?
Three feet is the maximum height a cat can jump safety, according to Wikipedia.
Common injuries sustained in cats after a fall include:
Broken bones, most likely the jawbone as the cat’s chin hits the ground; a broken jawbone and damaged or
shattered teeth are the typical signs of a cat having sustained injuries in a fall.
Injuries to the legs: joint injury; ruptured tendons; ligament injury; broken legs.
Internal injuries, especially to the lungs
Is it safe for your cat to jump on balconies or railings?
Cats have excellent grip, balance, and confidence climbing up on balconies and railings, but accidents happen. They also love to jump, but unfortunately they often overconfident and misjudge the jump or slip, and fall. Balconies and railings falls can cause significant injuries.
Why does a cat jump from a balcony?
Your cat may misjudge the height, get distracted, or slip and fall. As natural born hunters, cats get hooked on a scent or sight, and it is difficult for them to concentrate on anything else
“If cats live in one- or two-story buildings, they’re still at risk of high-rise syndrome. In fact, they may be at greater risk of injury because falling shorter distances do not give them enough time to adjust their body posture to land correctly. Even cats who adjust their posture in time often land with their feet slightly splayed, which can cause severe head and pelvis injuries,” ASPCA
The easy and safe solution
Custom banister safety walls are the perfect solution. They can be installed in many places, including: Banisters, Railings, Balconies, Patios, and more! Child, Senior Safety custom plexiglass safety walls can prevent many accidental falls and mitigate hazards.